Slate Canyon
This incredible Provo treasure has been mistreated and forgotten, that’s why Conserve Utah Valley wants to highlight and restore this hidden gem. CUV has hosted a “Slate Canyon Saturday” several times a year since 2021.
The 2021 Earth Day project in April was officially registered on the global Earth Day website and we had more than 300 volunteers show up to pitch in! Volunteers scrubbed graffiti off of rock walls, cleaned trails, and improved and contoured the bike trail. Provo City provided trucks and many loads of brush were taken away after volunteers cut and cleaned up overgrown areas. Information booths, guided walks with scientists and education stations were also provided.
More Slate Canyon activities may take place throughout the summer depending on what other activities are planned. These include removing a noxious weed called Spurge, defining trails and conducting ongoing bird, insect and plant surveys.
Currently there are two parking lots with a restroom at the top of the higher lot. The Bonneville Shoreline Trail heads north and south from this area.
Plans for park amenities from past years are yet realized but Conserve Utah Valley hopes to encourage collaboration with Provo City and other stakeholders to make this canyon and the trailhead clean, safe, and attractive, and provide needed recreational amenities. Conserve Utah Valley’s goal is to restore this gem to its former glory.

Photo by Josh Bauer
Slate Canyon Update
The Provo City Council voted in July to purchase a critical piece of land at the mouth of Slate Canyon - 29 acres that will help extend the Bonneville Shoreline Trail to the south. Additionally, the Council rezoned 26 acres in the same area to the Open Space Preservation and Recreation Zone. Plans for a multi-phase park are being updated by Provo Parks and Recreation.
Join us for Slate Canyon Saturdays!
Slate Canyon Saturdays are a great way to get involved in the community and learn about a precious local area in need of support and protection. Our 2023 schedule includes exciting hikes and opportunities to clean up Slate Canyon. See our events page for more information.
April: Earth Day at Slate Canyon
Saturday, April 22nd, 2023
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM @ Slate Canyon Park
Celebrate Earth Day with CUV at Slate Canyon with service and learning opportunities!
September: Hike Rock Canyon to Slate Canyon
Saturday, September 17th, 2023
7:00 AM @ Bridal Veil Falls Trailhead
Join us as we hike the BST from Bridal Veil Falls to Slate Canyon and enjoy fun activities along the way!
Participants can also choose to run the trail as part of the Runner’s Corner Mountain Goat Trail Series! More information is available here.